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Patrick Henry PTA
3720 Canehill Ave
Long Beach, CA 90808
"Lift Every Voice" Contest

Calling all Henry students! Introducing the Henry PTA's newest contest, the "Lift Every Voice Contest!" Open to all grades (TK-5), students are asked to reflect on what they've learned either in school or outside of school as it relates to Black achievements in America. Participating is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
Select a prominent African American figure(s) you've learned about either in class or outside of class.
Create a submission based on what you've learned about that person(s) and what it means to you. Write an essay or poem, create a dance, draw a picture, produce a song, or even a skit.
Submit your work by sending it to HenryPatriotsPTA@gmail.com.
Winners will be announced at the Black History assembly on February 21st. Prizes include tickets and behind-the-scenes passes to a professional baile folklorico performance at the Carpenter Center, passes to the African American Festival at the Aquarium of the Pacific, and more! Submissions due February 16th! Send your submission in today!!